Welcome to the Medical College of Georgia Physician Assistant Class of 2000, the first class of the millenium.  Our class is made up of individuals with very diverse backgrounds; some with little to no medical experience to a Veterinarian.  We would like to encourage all onlookers to continue their pursuit in their medical endeavors.  Be ready for the challenge of a lifetime as the curriculum is most challenging, and the patient contact very rewarding.  In our site, we hope to either address or link many of the issues facing you as a student (or student hopeful) and a practicing PA, such as: the importance of understanding the PA/Physician team, differences between PA/NP, and the importance to become and stay involved in the profession.  We hope you will find our site educational and informative regardless of whether you are in medicine, pursing a career in medicine, or a physician etc.  Take advantage of our links to other organizations, and email any questions about our program to either Missy Hall (Webmaster) m.hall@medmail.com, Jimmy Sellers (Chair, Public Education Committee GAPA) pajimmy@mindspring.com, or Rallie Cogburn (GAPA Representative) roost@mindspring.com.  We are having fun here at MCG as will be evident in some of our content.  We sincerely hope you will take the time to visit both our site and our campus and feel free to comment on both.  We also hope you will find this site beneficial whatever your quest.